Japan hoped to draw a line under recent economic losses today, as the global rebranding of the nations largest automaker Toyota is rolled out globally
The company's new name 'Atoyot' translates literally as 'One who chases after two hares won't catch even one', however analysts doubt whether such a superficial measure will fix the underlying economic malaise afflicting the Japanese manufacturing industry.
Walking in the footsteps of JG Ballard
I am having a disappointing visit to South Kensington.
First, the big spinning globe that you travel through on an escalator
in the Geological Museum, making you massively disoriented, was
switched off. On further inquiry I was told that it had been
permanently decommissioned.
The next best transcendental experience in the museum, the earthquake simulator, was also faulty, twitching intermittently instead of shaking violently and terrorising children as it should do.
Finally, in the Science Museum, I see this sign:
(Click to Enlarge)
(I shan't even go into the ridiculously cursory bag searching charade
that must take place before entry - that is a subject for an entire other post).
It's almost as if the museums are consciously trying to suck all the
joy out of the museum-going experience in order to actively deter
Have you been disappointed in a museum recently? If so, feel free to
comment below.
Excess Visions of Visions of Excess
It comprises 39 minutes of poorly-produced auto-tuned cover-versions of mainly bad songs.
I have two further observations:
Track 4 is a high-energy reworking of Abba's Does Your Mother Know?, a song about a chap being pursued by a girl who is clearly far too young for him.
Surely Quigg, at 16, is himself far too young to sing such a song?
He'd have to be wooed by a toddler for it to make any sense.
In which case, why has he gone to the trouble in Track 8, a preposterous* cover of Busted's Year 3000, of changing the lyrics from:
'and your great great great grandaughter is pretty fine'
'and your great great great grandaughter is doing fine'?
Come on Quigg; why the inconsistency? Are you a nonce or not?
*Imagine a precocious Irish boy trying to do an impression of some obnoxious English boys trying to do an American accent. Hilarity ensues.