
I've been having trouble adapting to the fact that I'm no longer in the UK.

The other day I spent an hour looking for a post box, only to realise that they probably don't have red pillar boxes here. I then tried posting my letter into a variety of possible street furniture candidates:

Before finally correctly identifying an Irish post box:

Only then did I realise that I probably needed to buy different types of stamp too.

I feel sorry for the Irish in three respects.

1. Very few Irish names are predicted by predictive text.

2. They don't have postcodes! How can they not have postcodes? Amongst other things, how do they find places on

3. Ah, They don't have

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:32 pm

    i personally don't think that you should feel sorry for ireland for not having post codes. its a bit patronising. before postcodes, in the olden days when they invented the post office people wrote addresses in a diagonal way (don't know why) which looked rather nice, there were more deliveries in the day, sometimes on the same day as posting, and it was cheaper, and the postmen were more handsome and a few blatantly used the uniform thing as a way of soliciting whilst delivering the post. now WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT??? you nazi cunt.
