He's in Fashion

Long-term users of DeDomenici Blog may remember that the last time I was stopped in the street by a style magazine was in 1998.

Clearly it's a once in a decade occurrence, rather like like a solar eclipse, or a terrible natural disaster:

Not only do they refer to me as posh, but they've also downgraded my age to 28.

(It's the other 28-year-olds suffering from Poor Age Image (PAI) that I feel sorry for.)

Additionally, they chopped out the interesting story about my orange shoes.

However, I am pleased with the irony of appearing in TopMan Magazine wearing a hoody purchased from H&M.

Read the whole article here.


  1. You ARE the new posh! Sorry to hear about your website but you know people tend to become envious of the truly stylish and will do anything to diminish their influence...

  2. Anonymous5:11 am

    hahah! wow-zer! you got spotted! *nice shot!* :) totally agree that you make the hoody look gwwuuddd! :)
    now i gotta challenge that! hahah!!! but i doubt i can ever be spotted!!! *smile*
    so what's the story of your orange shoe?
