So without further ado:
What's Heavier: Mini DV Tapes, or Cheese?
More specifically, which is heaviest, 2x Sony Premium Mini DV tapes 5 packs, or 2x Costcutter Heritage Red Leicester cheese?
Front Elevation
Without holding the items, Miss Mace estimated that the cheese would be heavier than the tapes.
I then took the items to the second floor, where I weighed them using an electronic scale and noted the results.
The Cheese was heavier.
But not by as much as one may think.
The combined weight of the cheese was 428 grams, whereas the mini dv tapes were 356g.
That makes the cheese just 72 grams heavier than the tapes.
There was a 4g discrepancy between the two packets of cheese, and, interestingly, a 2g difference in the tapes.
Discovering the source of this 2g variation is beyond the remit of today's experiment, but will be the topic of a future post.
Costcutter Heritage Red Leicester Cheese has over 2x the density of Sony Premium Mini DV Tapes.
All that remains is for me to once again offer Miss Mace my congratulations on her excellent weight assessment skills.
Miss Mace: Front Elevation
Question: if there is a 4g discrepancy between the two packets of cheese, and a 2g difference in the two packets of tapes, and if the combined weight of the cheese is 428 grams, and the mini dv tapes 356g, what are the individual weights of each cheese and tape packet?
Answers below. There is no need to show your working.
(if you're reading this, then clearly you're not working)
The winner gets a prize.
The cheeses weigh 216g and 212g and the tapes weigh 117g and 119g, hurray for maths!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso ms mace appears to have a tree, or other foliage growing from her head...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry CarsmileSteve, but your answer is incorrect!
ReplyDeleteha, woeful maths, there.
ReplyDelete177g and 179g for the tapes, i can't read my own scribbled workings out, that's the problem...
Congratulations CarsmileSteve! You win a copy of the 2005 Commissions East monograph 'stay'.